Saturday, February 12, 2011

London Recap/Paris: July 15, 2006

Hello everyone!

First, the keyboqrd in Paris is very different; and I dont know if I will hqve ti,e to spell check, so bear with me!! : ) If a q looks misplaced its an A if q , looks wrong, its an M not ,

We are in Paris; just finished our second day. We are SOO exhausted. Paris is very war,*m, but AMAZING!!!!

I am going to do some what of a recap as i hava more time today.

It seems as random stuîd stuff has been a problem for us since the start:

About 5 min after we left our Moms and Danny as I put my stuff in the scanny thing at security; i didnt realize my money belt was open and my credit cards, money; passport etc... flew EVERYWHERE!!! people helped ,*me pick everything up i wasq lucky i didnt lose anything but it was just as things were sarting!!!

about 2 min mater Kristinas fqke toenqil fell off when she bumped into me haha and looked for it on the ground till she found it haha we were cracking up at this point wondering what would happen next.

as soon as we were served breakfast on the plane, kristina poured her ,ilk into her cereal, then moved her cereal to eat it and DUMPED it all over herself!! i was a bad friend and couldnt stop cracking up! as i ty^pe this i a, laughing; needless to say she wasnt too thrilled considering she would be in that skirt for é days!! she had to wear it in london all day and it was stained blue.

because i laughed at her on the plane, two days later at a major train/subway station in London just as z*we were leaving for the day my waterbottle backpacks nozzle sprung a leak and i started spraying red gatorade ALL OVER everyone and everything including myself and my WHITE skirt, other people HAHA and the floor; i was running as fast as i could with people everywhere but its hqrd zith so many around and i did so,e da,age to the skirt and had to wear it around with BIG RED SPOTS ALL OVER ALL DAY!!! But it was funny!

Oh ya; and i resprained my ankle; yay!!! not. It is 2 or 3 ti,es the size of my other one, but what can i do about that here but keep moving? it hurts like a bitch but i iced it and elevated it last night I will prob havez to wear my stupid cast around europe the rest of the time; good thing i brought it i guess.

The guys here in paris have been we expected; or anticipated no one told us we would have problems in paris!! the minute we got off the subway a guy walked up to me and said you are beautiful i must see you again; other guys near notre da,e gathered around us ,aking kissing sounds and sang and on the subway we sat across fro, a crazy guy who told us to cme to his house with him because his house was big and so was his bed; as soon as we sat down he said i like a,erican girls and were just like ahh ok he thought krisina was crazy bc she wasnt talking he said i was wild; haha he was creepy but he kinda cracked me up!

in london we went to/
the tower of london; the london eye; saw big ben; went to windsor cqstle; british musueum; i,perial war ,useum the zinston churchill museum a river cruise: we didnt get to it all but are returning for a day at the end of our trip:

london was great; weather was perfect; paris is a bit hot. london is really fast paced and crazy very high energy. the subways are full of business people and if you are in their way you will know!

i loved london and wish i had more time to spend there. london deserves and needs a good 7 days. but there is always next time.

I LOVE paris. it is great! we went on a tha,es river cruise; went to saint chapelle, very beautiful. went up notre da,e, SO high SO many stairs; we saw the eiffel tower, went to the louvre *and saw the mona lisa which was awesome!! we did other stuff but i have to hurry this up bc the place is closing!

we are having a great ti,e but are very tired! paris is hot and we feel much more confident on the subways here then in london bc we got the experience there; I will write more later; i uploaded so,e pictures onto our site only like 30 bc it would take 5 years to do them all!!! enjoy!!

miss and love you all will write soon;
love kimberly

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